25 Songs, 25 Days (Day 15 – A Song That You Love But Rarely Listen To)
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25 Songs, 25 Days (Day 15 – A Song That You Love But Rarely Listen To)

I’m constantly listening to music, but there are a certain times when I have to be in the mood to listen to a song, if that makes sense. The song I am about to post, I used to really like, but I just fell off for a minute. I still like the song, I just haven’t listened to it in a long time.

Lady Leshurr was another artists I randomly discovered on YouTube, and this is easily one of my favorite songs from her. It has a really good vibe to it that I like. I’ll have to start listening to this song again!
What’s a song that you love, but rarely listen to? Tell me about it in the comments, or post on social media using the hashtag #25Songs25Days. Don’t forget to tag me on FacebookInstagram, or Twitter so I can see!

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