weekly blessings question
Weekly Blessings:Week 76:What If(WBQs)?
So…I have a question that I’d like to discuss with you guys today. Satan,as we all know, is jealous of Christians because he knows we have the ability to get to Heaven,and he lost his chance. I understand that part. But I wonder,what if satan would have taken a different approach? What if he would […]
Weekly Blessings:Week 64: God Speak(WBQ)
Good morning, dear friends! It’s time for another “Weekly Blessings” question(WBQ)! Instead of me going on and talking this week, I wanted to let you guys talk for a second. There’s no right or wrong answer; anything goes. So don’t be scared – tell me what you think! Here’s the question: How does God speak […]
Weekly Blessings: Week 54: Asking God (WBQ)
Good morning, dear friends! This week we have another “Weekly Blessings” question(WBQ)! This past week I posted the question to people on social media to see what they had to say. I have recorded a few of the answers below to get your wheels turning. Feel free to answer in the comments below or even […]
Weekly Blessings: Week 52: A Question for You
Sorry for the delay! But hey, I’m here! I thought I had an idea of what I wanted to talk to you guys about today, but then I thought – forget about me rambling on and on, I’ll let you talk! So below, I have posted a question. What I would love for you to […]