Weekly Blessings: Week 75: It’s Not Over
Friday ruined my entire weekend……. But I did get this post out of it! Friday I had a meeting with one of my clients that didn’t go as planned,due to miscommunication.I felt so bad about what happened that I basically reevaluated my entire life LOL!So many thoughts entered my mind: “Was I reaching too high?” […]
Weekly Blessings:Week 58:Distractions
This week, not only will I be speaking to you guys, but I’ll be preaching to myself. I’m not going to sugar-coat anything, I’m just going to hit you straight-up with the truth: Whenever satan feels threatened or he knows something good is coming your way, he’s going to come at you with distractions. […]
Weekly Blessings:Week 76:What If(WBQs)?
So…I have a question that I’d like to discuss with you guys today. Satan,as we all know, is jealous of Christians because he knows we have the ability to get to Heaven,and he lost his chance. I understand that part. But I wonder,what if satan would have taken a different approach? What if he would […]
Weekly Blessings:Week 67: Tricks of the Enemy
Good morning! I’m finally back with an actual “Weekly Blessing!” Get excited! The idea for this post came to me while I was on the plane to Vegas. I’m not sure if the Holy Ghost just decided to throw something at me at that moment, or I was just scared and trying to focus on […]
Spirits: Fact or Fiction?
Image Credit: Spirits and Ghosts Gallery I was reading a post by a fellow blogger, who has since deleted her post, where she was discussing spirits and ghosts. I thought it was an interesting post, so I decided to give my take on the whole thing. This is just my opinion and I’m not attempting to force […]