You Can’t Save Everybody
I think a lot of times we Christians believe that it is our job to save the world. But we have to accept the fact that we can’t save everybody.There will come a time in your walk with Christ when you come across someone who needs Christ and you’ll do everything in your power to […]
Weekly Blessings: Week #4
Welcome to week 4, you guys!! This week I decided to take a different approach to Weekly Blessings and bring in some outside inspiration. There is a phenomenal group called Good Morning Girls whose main purpose is to help ladies grow into unashamed, God-fearing women! They host Bible study sessions, create videos, host blogs……they just […]
Spirits: Fact or Fiction?
Image Credit: Spirits and Ghosts Gallery I was reading a post by a fellow blogger, who has since deleted her post, where she was discussing spirits and ghosts. I thought it was an interesting post, so I decided to give my take on the whole thing. This is just my opinion and I’m not attempting to force […]