Brown Girl Bloggers
God’s Rules for Everyone vs God’s Rules for You (Part 1)
Hey hey! Today let’s talk about rules. What are rules, exactly? “A prescribed guide for conduct or action,” according to Merriam-Webster. Whether it be rules made by the government, in a store, or at school, rules are meant to keep the flow of things and to keep up a certain standard. So we can all […]
Weekly Blessings: Week 51: Silent Sundays
Hey guys, and welcome to another edition of “Weekly Blessings!” This week I wanted to take a step back and ponder on some things with you guys. That’s why I decided to bring back another round of “Silent Sundays!” If you’d like to share something (Bible verse, a song, or a message…anything!) that God has […]
Happy National Tap Dance Day!
GIF Credit: gypsyastronaut – Tumblr Happy Monday! I know for most of you, today is just Memorial Day, and that’s fine. Happy Memorial Day! However, today is also occupied by another, lesser-known holiday…. National Tap Dance Day! Now if you’re like me, you’re probably thinking: “May 25? That’s such a random day!” But it’s not […]
Weekly Blessings: Week 46: Making It
Hey guys! Sorry I’m late. But thanks for stopping by! The reason I was gone today was because I was at a funeral. It was a sad occasion, but I had a sort of epiphany that I’d like to share with you guys. Seeing everyone coming in looking sad and people crying is a normal […]
Weekly Blessings: Week 43 with Annette Petrick
Welcome to another round of “Weekly Blessings!” So happy you could stop by! I’m excited about this week because we have another guest post! This week’s post comes from Annette Petrick of Consider This, a radio show and blog. Annette is a prolific writer and nationally recognized speaker on leadership, relationships and the search for […]
Weekly Blessings: Week 37: Silent Sundays
Hey guys! Welcome back to “Weekly Blessings!” Sorry I’m so late! Had a crazy week and then I had to go out of town this weekend, so I’m just now finding time to sit down and talk to you guys. My apologies! Anyway, this week I wanted to try something a bit different – do […]
Did Our Generation Really Let the Music Die?
Image Credit: Imgkid How’s it going?! Me? Pretty good, pretty good… Anyway, I wanted to share this article I read a while back with you guys. The article is from The Elite Daily and discusses how our generation, with our technological advancements and our ability to find loopholes around acquiring music, has single-handedly killed the […]
It’s (Black) History! — All Black Everything
Welcome to the last week of “It’s (Black) History!” I’ve really enjoyed doing this series and learning more about my culture, as well as teaching you guys some new things too! Since this is the last week, I wanted to kind of go out with a bang and do a little bit of everything. So […]
It’s (Black) History! — The Book of Negroes
“It’s (Black) History” time! As you may already know, this week BET has been showing the miniseries, The Book of Negroes. This miniseries brought about much curiosity about the actual history behind it, so I decided to do a little research and save you some time! A Little Bit About the Movie: The miniseries is […]
It’s (Black) History! — Artists
Welcome back to “It’s (Black) History!” This week, we are going to learn about a few Black artists: Jean-Michel Basquiat (1960-1988) Basquiat, a Brooklyn native, was a self-taught artist who started his career by selling postcards and sweatshirts with his work on it. He also gained attention from his graffiti, working under the name of […]