1 min read

25 Songs, 25 Days (Day 8 – A Song That Reminds You Of Your First Love)

Day 8….

Day 8….

Day 8….

This music challenge is starting to get a bit personal, isn’t it?! Lol.

I’ve spoken on “that person” before in the past, but I don’t always like to bring him up because I really cared a lot for him and he really broke my heart, but I’m better and stronger for it now. However, it is hard sometimes when I hear about him or hear from him, or anything. So I think I know the perfect song…

I think this song fits the situation perfectly, on both ends to be frank. I think I’ll just leave it at that, Lol….
What’s a song that makes you think of your first love? Tell me about it in the comments, or post on social media using the hashtag #25Songs25Days. Don’t forget to tag me on FacebookInstagram, or Twitter so I can see!

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