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What to Put On, What to Take Off (Colossians Bible Study – Chapter 3)
Good morning!
I apologize for getting the last half of our Colossians Bible Study out to you so late – a series of unfortunate events caused me from finishing the study in January. But don’t fret! We’re going to finish what we started!
As usual, if you missed out on the posts from Chapters 1 & 2, check them out below:
Colossians Chapter 1
Colossians Chapter 2
Now for chapter 3!
The whole point of chapter 3, to me, was showing how Christians should live their daily lives. Paul instructs us to live our lives using Jesus’ life as an example:
- Just as Jesus rose from the grave, so should we (once we are born again, we should let the “old man” “die” and arise into our new being).
- We shouldn’t be so caught up in the things of this world and “set our affection on things above (verse 2).”
- Also just like Jesus, we should lead by serving others.
Paul goes into detail, first telling us what should die in our lives.
“Mortify therefore your members, which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry” – Colossians 3:5
“But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth. Lie not to one another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds;” – Colossians 3:8-9
And lastly, Paul encouraged believers to “let the peace of God rule in your hearts,” “Let the word of Christ dwell in you,” and “Do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.(verses 15-17).”
….I don’t think it gets much more plain than that, my friends.
He then details what to “put on” or let arise in our lives, which is basically the Fruits of the Spirit:
- Love
- Joy
- Peace
- Patience
- Kindness
- Gentlessness
- Faithfulness
- Self-Control
Paul’s tips above were mostly for personal and public Christianity. Those are the things you need to do as an individual and practices to use when interacting with others in the world. Verses 18-25 are for individuals in their family lives. It’s also a reiteration of Ephesians 5.
- Submit to your husbands
- Submit to your wives and don’t be bitter towards them
- Obey your parents
- Don’t be harsh and mean-spirited towards your children.
- Obey your masters wholeheartedly, and you will receive your reward.
The one about servants is a touchy one for most people, because that is one of the scriptures that people believe promotes slavery; However, I think Paul was just speaking on the time they lived in. During that time it was normal to have servants. Obviously these things aren’t nearly as common nowadays, but that doesn’t mean that it doesn’t still apply. If you have a job or are working under a supervisor or some sort of superior, you still need to obey them. Everything has a place and an order for a reason – it’s all mean to glorify God. It may not seem like you filing papers for your boss or answering phone calls for a superior is much, but we are to look to God in all things. Because, you never know, by you doing the best work you can for your superior, you could be promoted or blessed in some other way you never would have expected! Simple as that!
And that’s chapter 3, my friends! Hope you enjoyed it! Be sure to check back next Sunday as we dig into the final chapter of Colossians!
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