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Weekly Blessings:Week 60:A Message to the Nations

Good morning! Hope all is well!
Today I have another video to share with you. In this video, a guy by the name of Roderickus Pickens details a dream the Lord gave him about Judgement Day and what it will be like. The dream was so vivid and life-like that Pickens knew he had no choice but to follow God’sorders and share the message he was given.
I’ve seen this video being shared all over Facebook, but I never stopped to watch it until last night. And let me tell you – it really makes you think about your life and Judgement Day.
Are you as shaken as I was after watching this video? God will stand before us, telling about our lives, not holding anything back. This man witness THOUSANDS of people being sent to help for doing things that most of us probably don’t even think about, not to mention that Pickens himself barely made it in. That’s some deep stuff.
So I want to encourage you to examine yourself – I sure know I am. Pray and ask God to show you your life, show you who you are. Repent. And if you haven’t already, accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior and let God into your heart today.
If you are ready to allow God into your heart, pray this prayer out loud:
Welcome to the family!
I hope you all have a great 4th of July and a wonderful week!

If you’d like to nominate someone for the “Faith Features series or share something (Bible verse, a song, or a message…anything!) that God has put on your heart or have a question or comment you would like to share, you’re more than welcome! If you’re interested in writing a post for “Weekly Blessings,” offering up a topic suggestion, get in touch with me via Email or you can simply comment below and I’ll make sure to get bac

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