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Weekly Blessings:Week 81:Calling in sick
Image Credit: BluePipes |
Good morning! I hope your 2016 is going well so far!
1 Peter 2:24 says, “He himself bore our sins” in his body on the cross, so that we might die to sins and live for righteousness; “by his wounds you have been healed”
We always like to say that we are healed, but are we really?
Are we truly healed, or are we still calling in sick?
2016 is going to be a year of unexpected surprises and blessings for those who love God and are trying to live the way He wants us to. This is the year that people need to decide whether they want to serve God or serve man.
The sad part is that people have been playing.
A lot of the situations we go through or the pain we encounter isn’t necessarily always a test or trial that Christians go through during their walk. God has been telling me that a lot of the wounds you have come across are self-inflicted.
We need to learn to practice obedience and commitment! If we have those two objectives down pat, we wouldn’t have gone through some of the things we did last year, quite frankly.
I’m not sure who I’m talking to, but I know I’m talking to somebody.
Check the scripture above again – every situation, mistake, setback, ect. – God died for that! If you messed up, ask God for forgiveness and move on! Don’t dwell on that! It’s great that you feel bad and want to please God, but PLEASE move on!
On the other hand, Jesus died for your mess. YOUR MESS! It is up to you to get out of it! God has given you chance after chance and opportunity after opportunity to move past it and free yourself from it, but you choose to stay in it.
God cannot promote and elevate you if you won’t position yourself and prepare yourself!
Think about a job: your boss is not going to give you a raise of promotion if you’re constantly late, arguing with co-workers, never doing what you’re supposed to be doing, ect. But all of those things are obvious – why? Because your boss can SEE you doing those things!
If you’re always calling in sick and are never there to prove yourself, how can your boss see your potential? You could be the perfect fit for the job, but if you aren’t putting in the effort to show them that you really want the job and can be trusted with the new position, what makes you think your boss would believe you deserve it?
It’s the same thing with God!
If you are running around fussing with everyone, not following His instructions, and doing things that you know for a fact he hates, you know you don’t stand a chance. But if you know that God is calling you to do or say something and you just choose not to go for it, why would He trust you to do anything else? If He can’t trust you to go to your backyard and feed your dog, how can He trust you to feed the husband or wife He has for you? If He can’t trust you to properly prepare to speak at your home church, why would He give you your own ministry?
It is time to get it together, people of God. If we want what God has for us, it is time to get into position! Develop a relationship with Him, actually listen to Him, actually ask Him questions, actually do what He asks you to do when He asks you to do it. We have to get in line, point blank.
Stop calling in sick and get to work!
I’m not sure who I’m talking to out there, but I know it’s at least one person that needs to see today’s “Blessing.” So please like, comment, and share with your friends and family. Someone needs to hear this.
The sad part is that people have been playing.
A lot of the situations we go through or the pain we encounter isn’t necessarily always a test or trial that Christians go through during their walk. God has been telling me that a lot of the wounds you have come across are self-inflicted.
We need to learn to practice obedience and commitment! If we have those two objectives down pat, we wouldn’t have gone through some of the things we did last year, quite frankly.
I’m not sure who I’m talking to, but I know I’m talking to somebody.
Check the scripture above again – every situation, mistake, setback, ect. – God died for that! If you messed up, ask God for forgiveness and move on! Don’t dwell on that! It’s great that you feel bad and want to please God, but PLEASE move on!
On the other hand, Jesus died for your mess. YOUR MESS! It is up to you to get out of it! God has given you chance after chance and opportunity after opportunity to move past it and free yourself from it, but you choose to stay in it.
God cannot promote and elevate you if you won’t position yourself and prepare yourself!
Think about a job: your boss is not going to give you a raise of promotion if you’re constantly late, arguing with co-workers, never doing what you’re supposed to be doing, ect. But all of those things are obvious – why? Because your boss can SEE you doing those things!
If you’re always calling in sick and are never there to prove yourself, how can your boss see your potential? You could be the perfect fit for the job, but if you aren’t putting in the effort to show them that you really want the job and can be trusted with the new position, what makes you think your boss would believe you deserve it?
It’s the same thing with God!
If you are running around fussing with everyone, not following His instructions, and doing things that you know for a fact he hates, you know you don’t stand a chance. But if you know that God is calling you to do or say something and you just choose not to go for it, why would He trust you to do anything else? If He can’t trust you to go to your backyard and feed your dog, how can He trust you to feed the husband or wife He has for you? If He can’t trust you to properly prepare to speak at your home church, why would He give you your own ministry?
It is time to get it together, people of God. If we want what God has for us, it is time to get into position! Develop a relationship with Him, actually listen to Him, actually ask Him questions, actually do what He asks you to do when He asks you to do it. We have to get in line, point blank.
Stop calling in sick and get to work!
I’m not sure who I’m talking to out there, but I know it’s at least one person that needs to see today’s “Blessing.” So please like, comment, and share with your friends and family. Someone needs to hear this.
Have a blessed week, in Jesus’ name!!
If you’d like to nominate someone for the “Faith Features series or share something (Bible verse, a song, or a message…anything!) that God has put on your heart or have a question or comment you would like to share, you’re more than welcome! If you’re interested in writing a post for “Weekly Blessings,” offering up a topic suggestion, get in touch with me via Facebook, Twitter, or Email; you can also simply comment below and I’ll make sure to get back with you!