1 min read

The 12 Days of Blogmas: Day #2 – Random Acts of Kindness

When I think of random acts of kindness, I think of the little things – those small tokens of generosity and kindness that have an impact on people.

Those acts that may not seem like much to us, but they make us unforgettable to the person on the other side of our actions.

Whether it be:

  • Praying for someone in their time of need
  • Freely giving time or resources
  • Making someone laugh 
  • Handing out a compliment
  • Be open and honest with someone
Being generous comes in so many different forms! 
No matter how big or small your gesture may be, it was a gesture of pure kindness and that’s all that matters!
So think back on this past year or even the past few months – what random acts of kindness have you performed?

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