7 mins read

Weekly Blessings: Week 31 with Krista Mounsey

Hey, guys! Glad you could stop by this week!

If this is your first time here at The Pen & the Needle and/or your first time reading a “Weekly Blessings” post, let me explain what this is all about. “Weekly Blessings” is a series on my The Pen & the Needle where I, or a guest will write post on Sunday something that God has put on our hearts to share with God’s people. It can be anything, as long as it is God-inspired!

Now on to this week’s “blessing!”

This week’s “Weekly Blessing” comes from Krista Mounsey at Growing In Grace and Beauty.

Krista & her beautiful family 🙂

Krista “KK” Mounsey is married to the love of her life and is bonus mom to his three sons. Her dream has always been to be a wife, mom, and writer- and she’s accomplished all three. She and her husband are members of Christ the King Catholic Church in Daphne, Alabama. They want nothing more than to be living witnesses of the love of Christ and in everything they do, they strive to put God first and foremost. Krista and her husband are involved in Catholic Engaged Encounter, Patriot Guard Riders, and are working with a few others to start a local chapter of BACA (Bikers Against Child Abuse). Krista and her husband live in Daphne and have a hyper Chiweenie named Bella Rose.  She can be found on Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram

Without further ado, here is Krista’s “Weekly Blessing!”

Psalm 37:4 “Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.”
At times, the enemy has tried to attack and tear me down. He tells me that I’m not worthy- that I don’t deserve to be loved or for God to bless me. In a way, he’s right- I am not worthy enough to earn it- but it’s a gift- I don’t HAVE to earn it. God freely gives it to me because I believe in and love him.
See, from the time I was a child, I knew I wanted to be a wife & mom- that’s all. Much of society looks at me with disdain. There has to be more to life than that, right? Nope. That’s what brings me satisfaction. That’s what makes me feel worthwhile.
I went through my 20’s with no prospects. I dated a few men, but never felt like I was being called to marry them. I watched friends from high school get married and have children- and then their marriages fell apart for one reason or another.
Then, in June 2011, at the age of 30, I met the man who is now my husband. When we met, I had no intentions of marrying him because it would make me wife #3- but I had no problems just being friends. Never tell God you don’t plan on doing something.
About six months in, we started dating. I still wasn’t so sure I wanted to marry him- but dating could be fun, right? Of course, we started falling in love- and one thing led to another- which led to talk about marriage about eight months into our dating relationship.
In November 2012, he proposed to me- and, I said yes. We started planning our wedding for a year later. Since we were both Catholic by this time, we were planning a Church wedding. All our friends and family were to be invited. Then, the expenses started building up. Due to the complications of getting his sons here for the wedding, we opted to have a small, family-only wedding during the summer of 2013.
Our wedding was gorgeous- and total, we spent less than $200 on it. We were blessed by friends and family giving us just what we needed. So, July 20, 2013, we became husband and wife.
Since then, we’ve been struggling with trying to conceive. It’s something that I’m taking pretty hard because- as you read earlier- I’ve always wanted to be a wife AND a mom. So, I’ve shed quite a few tears- it’s become a real struggle for me. Something I never thought I’d have to deal with.
Lately though, more and more people are telling me that I’m already a mom. I have three boys. Sure, I didn’t give birth to them, but they’re mine. They do call me mom. They call me on my birthday if they’re not with us. They call me on Mother’s Day to tell me they love me. I truly am blessed with being a mom.
God is using my husband and I in lots of different ways. For example, we’re involved with a group called Catholic Engaged Encounter in our local area. This is a weekend marriage preparation program. We get to see these young, in-love couples grow closer to God and to each other throughout the weekend. Honestly, the ones that we are most blessed by are those couples that are the most resistant in the beginning.
We’re also heavily involved with a Child Advocacy group and the Patriot Guard- both of which make us feel needed.
Finally, I have a wonderful husband who does more for me than I ever thought a husband could (or would) do. He loves me unconditionally- which I never saw in the marriages that I encountered over the years. You know what? I’m a mom too- when I married my husband, I didn’t just promise to be his wife. I promised to love and take care of his boys- and make them my own.
So, when the enemy starts knocking on my door- I tell him to take a hike. God is already blessing me in powerful ways- and there’s nothing he can do to take that away. I am blessed beyond measure, and God adds to that all the time! 
Thanks again Krista! If you’d like to share something (Bible verse, a song, or a message…anything!) that God has put on your heart or have a question or comment you would like to share, you’re more than welcome! If you’re interested in writing a post for “Weekly Blessings,” or offer an opinion or topic suggestion, get in touch with me via Facebook,  Twitter, or Emailyou can also simply comment below and I’ll make sure to get back with you!

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