4 mins read

Ask Away Friday with April from 100lb Countdown

Hey guys and welcome to another addition of #AskAwayFriday!

What is this thing I speak of, you ask? It’s an awesome link-up where bloggers partner up, ask each other ten questions, and then each blogger answers those questions in a post. It’s a great way for everyone to get to know each other and make new friends! 

This week I partnered up with April of 100lb Countdown! April’s blog is full of tips and support for people who want to pursue a healthier lifestyle, as well as various posts about parenting, life, and family. She’s got a ton of great stuff to read; pay her a visit! 

1. When I checked out your site and I ended up spending quite a bit of time reading the Weekly Blessings series. What inspired you to start this series?
~ Thanks for reading! I was sitting one day watching Jack Van Impe, when all of a sudden it came to me! Ha. I wanted to do something to help people who may not have a church home or just doesn’t really go to church for whatever reason to have a form a church in some way, and I thought my blog would be a good way to do it.
2. What do you feel is your biggest blessing? The blessing that has helped you in your life the most?
~ Every since I was little my family has told me I’ve had “the midas touch,” meaning that if there was ever something I wanted/needed I always managed to get it, which is highly due to the faith I have that God will see me through. I believe that that has helped me get through a lot in my life, and still is!
3. What inspired you to start blogging?
~My curiosity about the blog world is what inspired me. Initially, I was completely against blogging, but something kept nagging at me to try it, so I just decided to give it a go. Glad I did,too.
4. Where do you see your blog in 5 years?
~Good question! I see my blog bigger and better than ever in 5 years! By that time I want to be able to start really earning income from my blog and having a really solid following.
5. I noticed in your first #AAF, you mentioned you like the name Noelle. That’s my middle name! What’s yours?
~ Really? That’s awesome! I think Noelle is such a pretty name. My middle name is Deanna, after my mother’s oldest sister, who is a pretty fantastic woman, I might add.  
6. Where do you see yourself in 10 years?
~ In 10 years I see myself married with a family of my own(hopefully), a good career, and just a happy life! 
7. What’s your favorite bible verse and why?
~ I like so many Bible verses, but one I do like is Isaiah 41:10- Don’t be afraid, for I am with you. Don’t be discouraged, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you. I will hold you up with my victorious right hand. I love this verse because it basically sums up the year I’ve had ha. Although I went through a number of trials and tribulations, I thank God for seeing me through it all and keeping me, because things could have been MUCH worse.

8. What’s your favorite part about college?
~My favorite part about college is the freedom without responsibility. I get to live on my own and take care of myself, yet I don’t have to worry about bills and other stresses of adult life LOL.
9. Do you have any talents? Let us know!
~Uh…..LOL. I don’t think I have any talents. I’m just average, I guess ha.
10. Describe your dream home… include colors, location, size, type… paint us a picture or show us one! 

My dream home may look a little something like this:

Or maybe more extravagant like this….

With a big yard like this….
And a weeping willow tree. Not sure why, but I’ve always wanted a weeping willow tree in the front yard.

If you want to see April’s answers to my questions, click here to check out her post. Want to join in on the fun? Join our group on Facebook!

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