Blog Buttons
I finally managed to make a blog button all by myself! Aren’t you proud of me?? You should be!
I’ve been trying to figure out how to make one since I’ve started blogging and could never manage to figure it out. I did so many Google searches and asked so many people……it just wasn’t working! Finally I went to the source I should’ve used all along: HerCampus Blogger Network!
There was a thread discussing the exact thing I researched and they gave the easiest, least technologically challenging method. As a result, I am going to share with you guys who are still trying to figure it out how I did it!
Step 1: Choose a Picture. This is important because this is basically an advertisement of your blog. Since I don’t have an official logo, I chose a picture of myself.
Step 2: Upload the Photo to a site. I know that wasn’t very clear; what I mean is upload the picture to a public galley place like PhotoBucket, which I would highly suggest since it was so easy to use. There you can edit and resize your photo to your liking.
Step 3: Use the free button maker. This site was such a relief to me, because you just fill in the information and they do the dirty work for you! It’s literally a code generator. Click here to access the site. Just follow the directions on the site and your button is made!
That’s all there is to it! See how easy that is? I don’t know why it took me so long to figure it out!
Cute button! I really want to make one, so now I'm going to have to try!
La Vie en Zoe
Thanks! Let me know how it turns out!